Reach out to get or give support. There are many ways to help out and be part of our caring campus community.
How to show your support & get support
Help prevent suicide: Reach out
You may be concerned that someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts. You may be thinking about suicide yourself. You are not alone.
Contact a mental health professional or call 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) immediately if you or someone you know exhibits one or more of the following:
- threatening to hurt or kill themselves, or talking of wanting to hurt or kill themselves,
- looking for ways to kill themselves by trying to get firearms, pills, or other potentially lethal instruments, and/or
- talking or writing about death, dying, or suicide (if these are out of the ordinary for the person).
Contact a mental health professional or call 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) as soon as possible if you are concerned about someone who exhibits one or more of the following:
- experiencing overwhelming emotional pain and hopelessness,
- feeling hopeless,
- feeling rage or uncontrolled anger, and seeking revenge,
- acting reckless or engaging in risky activities, seemingly without thinking,
- feeling trapped, as if there were “no way out”,
- using alcohol or drugs increasingly,
- withdrawing from friends, family, and society,
- experiencing anxiety, agitation, or sleeplessness, or sleeping all the time,
- having dramatic mood changes, and/or
- feeling that there is no reason for living and having no sense of purpose in life.
Learn more about suicide and prevention by attending an event, or by speaking with our friendly booth or street team volunteers.
UBC Vancouver
Reach Out Booths
Wednesday, Jan. 31
Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Brock Hall concourse, AMS Nest, and First Nations House of Learning
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Pick up a sticker, toque, or pen to show your support for suicide awareness and prevention. Or, ask us any questions you may have.
QPR Suicide Awareness Training for staff and faculty who work with Aboriginal students
Wednesday, Jan. 31
First Nations Longhouse
Morning or afternoon
Intended for advisors, faculty, and staff who work with Aboriginal students. The session will be in the morning or afternoon. To register, contact Jessica La Rochelle at
QPR Suicide Awareness Training for students
Thursday, February 15th
Location will be emailed to registrants the week prior to training
Wednesday, March 7th
Location will be emailed to registrants the week prior to training
QPR Suicide Awareness Training for faculty and staff
Tuesday, February 6
Room 101, Michael Smith Labs (2185 East Mall)
2:30 – 4:30pm
Register here
UBC Okanagan
Suicide Prevention Workshop
Wednesday, Jan. 31
Engineering, Management & Education Building, Room EME1202
7:00 to 8:30 pm
Drop in or Register Here
Roger Wilson, RPN, MA RCC, Director UBCO Health & Wellness
Tracey Hawthorn, BHSc, PT, BSc, H Kin, Reg PT, Director UBC Wellbeing Okanagan Campus
Dennis Jasper, RN, BSN, Faculty Lecturer, UBCO School of Nursing
Have questions about the Suicide Prevention Workshop, please contact Tracey Hawthorn, Director UBC Wellbeing Okanagan, at or 250-807-8429.