QPR Suicide Prevention Training

Jon Chiang Photo

QPR Training is an internationally recognized suicide prevention program designed to help you question, persuade, and refer.

UBC offers QPR  Training for students, staff, and faculty to help them recognize suicide warning signs, approach someone who may be at risk, persuade the person to seek appropriate health services, and connect the person to resources that will help resolve crises.


of Canadian students who responded to the 2013 National College Health Assessment Survey reported having considered suicide in the 12 months previous, and 0.9% reported having attempted suicide in the 12 months previous.

Help prevent suicide: Become QPR Certified

Everyone plays a vital role in creating a healthy and caring campus community at UBC.

Everyone is invited to participate

All students, staff, and faculty can participate in a free QPR training session at UBC. There are no prerequisites. Training takes place in a group setting and usually takes one to two hours. While training will help you question, persuade, and refer, you’re not expected to become an expert.

Contributing to awareness and prevention

The QPR Certification program began at UBC in 2006. To date, hundreds of faculty, staff, and students have been QPR certified and they continue to contribute to the greater awareness and prevention of suicide in our community.


Are you having suicidal thoughts or worried about someone who might be?

If you came to this site because you are having suicidal thoughts or feelings, or you’re worried about someone else, we urge you to contact the resources below.