Get involved at UBC Okanagan

Any UBC groups or faculty members are invited to register as a Thrive partner. To register in the Okanagan, email Tracey Hawthorn at
The deadline for registration is October 9th, 2016.

Types of partners

  • Special-Event-Partner_square
  • Thriving-Partner_square
  • Promotional-Partner_square
  • Faculty-Partner_square


Event and activity ideas

A station or booth set-up for passersby to indulge in making a craft (e.g. cards, stress balls, goal setting bracelets, Thrive pledge buttons, trail-mix, or parfaits).
A club comprised of people who are dedicated to working out regularly as a group. Exercising with others can be a great motivator to stay on track with an exercise regimen.
A group trip or tour to one of the many attractions around the Okanagan can change up your day-to-day schedule and help you get to know your group and community better.
A friendly competition modelled after the Iron Chef franchise. Invite others to compete using their most nutritious recipes. Share the results and recipes with the audience.
Entertainment provided in your building to promote relaxation and social bonding. Music students may be hired to play during lunch or break times.
A documentary or movie screening followed by discussion and refreshments, be sure to check out the UBC Feature Film Public Performance License for films that can be screened at UBC.
A nutritious breakfast provides the energy needed to get your day off to a good start. Consider a healthier pancake breakfast with foods like blueberries, flax seed, hemp seed, and toppings such as yogurt, apple sauce, and fruit.
Do you know of a quiet or peaceful location on campus?  Highlight this as ‘Thrive Space’ and invite community members to visit, de-stress, read a book or take a moment to re-charge.

In your department

A complementary ergonomic assessment offered to members of your department or organization. A designated time period can be set-up to have these assessments performed for anyone who is interested.
A food drive or hamper organized by your department or unit for a local food bank. For UBC Okanagan, food can be collected for UBCO Food Exchange and the Central Okanagan Community Food Bank.
A space on an office wall for people to place notes of gratitude and appreciation for others.
A potluck hosted to facilitate a brainstorm session for Healthy Workplace Initiative fund proposal ideas.
A workshop hosted to highlight issues related to health and wellness. Non-profit organizations can also be asked to host these workshops. For a list of groups at UBC Okanagan who can host a workshop free of charge, contact Tracey Hawthorn.
A daily walk for the faculty and staff in your unit throughout Thrive week. Routes can be planned out beforehand.
Check out how to host your own walking meeting.

Tools and Resources

Contact Us

Tracey Hawthorn is available to support your Thrive event or contribution from start to finish. Contact Tracey, and she’ll be happy to answer your questions.