Archives by date

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UBC initiatives aim to prevent suicide

This year, UBC researchers and health advocates have made breakthroughs in suicide awareness research.

Professor Ono commits to wellness at Thrive Kick-off

At the Thrive Kick-off on Oct. 31, UBC became the first university worldwide to officially commit to improving the health and wellbeing of students, faculty and staff.

Yellow is for Hello

Meet the friendliest bench on campus. The Friendship Bench is a physical reminder to sit, breathe, and talk (or think) about mental health.

Use the Thrive 5 to build mental health

Thriving means feeling motivated, resilient, and ready to take on life’s challenges.
From day 1 to 365, find your ways to Thrive all year long by exploring some of our tips.

Attend the kickoff

Come celebrate the Thrive week 2016 kick-off on October 31 at UBC Vancouver!

Get involved at UBC Okanagan

Any UBC groups or faculty members are invited to register as a Thrive partner. To register in the Okanagan, email Tracey Hawthorn at The deadline for registration is October 9th, 2016. Types of partners   Event and activity ideas Craft booth A station or booth set-up for passersby to indulge in making a craft (e.g. cards, […]

Get Involved at UBC Vancouver

Any UBC groups or faculty members are invited to register as a Thrive partner. Registration will be open on August 9, 2017. Types of partners Tools and Resources Thrive Planning Toolkit Thrive Communications Toolkit Event and activity ideas In your community In your department Contact Us Our Thrive team is available to support your Thrive event or […]

Partner with Thrive

There are four ways to become a Thrive partner. By partnering with Thrive, you or your group can contribute to this dialogue and support positive mental health at UBC.

Laugh and use gratitude to Thrive

Have a laugh! Did you know that laughing is actually good for your health? Laughter has positive impacts on both our physical and mental health.  Laughter has been linked to healthy blood vessel functioning and increases heart rate and oxygen consumption.  It improves relaxation which can aid with better sleep.  Regular laughter reduces emotional tension […]

Move, eat, and rest to Thrive

Get Moving Good for your body and your mind We know that exercise is great for improving fitness and maintaining a healthy weight but did you know it’s also a great stress reliever? People who exercise often report having less anxiety and exercise has also been shown to reduce mild depression. At what ever level […]