Mental health is the capacity of each and all of us to feel, think, and act in ways that enhance our ability to enjoy life and deal with the challenges we face1. Our ability to live, learn, work, and support one another at UBC depends on our mental health and resilience.
Mental health literacy is key component to building the mental health and resilience of UBC’s people and communities. It involves understanding how to obtain and maintain positive mental health, understanding mental disorders and their treatments, decreasing stigma related to mental disorders, and understanding how to seek help effectively2. UBC is committed to increasing the mental health literacy of our community.
Thrive promotes mental health literacy for all at UBC by:
- Promoting knowledge of mental health and how to foster and maintain it
- Reflecting and celebrating the diversity of experiences related to mental health at UBC
- Ensuring our actions and communications are informed by evidence in the field of mental health
Your path to mental health
Thrive invites you to explore your path to mental health during Thrive week, October 29 to November 2, 2018. Although this exploration will be different for everyone, research around physical and mental health consistently points to five ways that can help everyone foster and maintain mental health. We call these the Thrive 5.
Students, staff and faculty are invited to learn more about the Thrive 5 and to check out the Thrive Events Calendar to get involved.
Building and maintaining mental is a year-round pursuit, and Thrive is one of many mental health initiatives at UBC.
Ways UBC is working toward building mental health
UBC’s Commitment to Mental Health & Resilience
UBC is committed to enhancing mental health and wellbeing for all of our community members and supporting healthy and sustainable workplaces and learning environments.
Thriving Places and Spaces at UBC Vancouver
At UBC, a thriving and vibrant culture is made up of an eclectic mix of performances, festivals, events, and beautiful spaces that showcase the west coast at its best.
Student Mental Health Strategy
Student mental health is instrumental in students’ academic engagement and success. The entire campus community plays a role in helping students feel confident, capable, and supported.
Focus on People
Together, we create a workplace that is dedicated to excellence, equity, and mutual respect. We invite you to explore what makes us one of Canada’s top universities and employer.
In addition, students can visit UBC Vancouver’s Wellness Centre at any time to get more information, tips, and resources for your wellbeing.
Staff and faculty are invited to explore the Workplace Wellbeing and Benefits website to find information, tips, and resources related to their wellbeing.
1 Public Health Agency of Canada, 2014
2 Kutcher et al., 2016, p.155; Whitley, Smith, & Vaillancourt, 2012; Whitley & Gooderham, 2016