Laugh and use gratitude to Thrive

Have a laugh!

Did you know that laughing is actually good for your health?

Laughter has positive impacts on both our physical and mental health.  Laughter has been linked to healthy blood vessel functioning and increases heart rate and oxygen consumption.  It improves relaxation which can aid with better sleep.  Regular laughter reduces emotional tension and improves emotional connections and self-confidence.  Take in a comedy show, watch a funny movie or tell a joke to a friend!

Gilbert, R. (2014). Laughter therapy: promoting health and wellbeing. Nursing & Residential Care, 16(7), 392-395.

Bennett, Mary Payne and Cecile Lengacher. (2008) Humor and Laughter May Influence Health: III. Laughter and Health Outcomes. Evidence Based Complement Alternative Med., 5(1): 37–40.

Chikte, Anagha. (2012) Laughter Yoga Therapy & Stress Management.  Golden Research Thoughts, 2: 1-5.

Dugan, Daniel O. (2007) Laughter and Tears: Best Medicine for Stress.  Nursing Forum, 24:18-26.

Say thanks!

Have you thanked someone lately?

Practicing gratitude through thanking others or private acknowledgement has been linked to increased happiness, contentment, pride and hope.  Being grateful and expressing this in different ways can also make us more willing to help others. Send someone a thank you card or make a list of the people in your life you are grateful for. Gratitude is a powerful emotion that does wonders in supporting your brain health and your overall mental health. It boosts both dopamine and serotonin. Expressing the gratitude you feel extends the benefits.

Emmons, Robert A., and Michael E. McCullough.  Counting Blessings versus Burdens: An Experimental Investigation of Gratitude and Subjective Well-being in Daily Life.   Journal of Personality and Psychology 2003, Vol. 84, No. 2, 377-389.